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Archive for the 'Whole Body Health' Category

High-Intensity Interval Training – What Is That?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is characterized by 30-60 second bouts of high-intensity output followed by a very low-intensity exercise (like walking or slow pedaling) which allows one's heart rate and breathing to recover before the next high-intensity segment. Studies have shown HIIT can produce similar results as low-intensity aerobic exercise, but with significant differences in [..]

Tips to Improve Sleep Quality

Here are a few ways to improve your sleep quality in spite of a busy lifestyle: 1) SET A SCHEDULE: Set a time for BOTH going to bed AND getting up in the morning, preferably at the same times each day—even on weekends. 2) EXERCISE: Try to get 20-30 minutes of exercise every day (but [..]

How Important is Sleep?

Do you frequently feel sleepy throughout the day? Do you doze off soon after you sit down? Do you feel “restored” when you wake up in the morning? How much sleep is REALLY needed and how important is it? Let’s take a look… The short answer is that sleep is REALLY important! Prior to the [..]

Walking vs. Running – What’s the Best?

The focus on aerobic exercise is all around us. You can’t pass a magazine stand without being inundated with cover pictures of people walking, running, cycling, or doing some form of exercise. So the question begs, is walking good enough? Let’s take a look! A GREAT plus about walking is that it can be done [..]

What About Taking Opioids to Manage Pain?

In the United States: 1) seniors represent over 13% of the population but consume 40% of prescription drugs and 35% of over-the-counter drugs; 2) on average, people 65-69 years old take nearly 14 prescription drugs per year, and those 80-84 take an average of 18; 3) 15-25% of drug use in seniors is considered unnecessary [..]

Can We Be “Too Clean?”

The concept of cleanliness has been a topic of great debate for many years. On one side of the fence, frequent cleaning reduces the number of bacteria and viruses that cause illness. On the other side, some experts argue that our body’s immune system has to work harder when regularly exposed to pathogens and allergens, [..]

Meditation and Chiropractic

With growing evidence that meditation has significant health benefits, a 2016 study by a team of researchers from the United States, Spain, and France sought to explain how and why meditation actually works. The study investigated the difference between “mindful meditation” in a group of experienced meditators vs. “quiet non-meditative activity” in a group of [..]

Chiropractic’s MANY Benefits!

In 2010, Dr. Gert Bronfort published a pinnacle report that reviewed studies published up to 2009 and identified 26 categories of conditions for which there is evidence that manual therapies (including spinal manipulation, mobilization, and massage) are beneficial. These 26 categories included thirteen musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions (like low back and neck pain), four types of [..]

My Baby Has Colic – Can Chiropractic Help?

There is NOTHING quite so troubling to a young couple as a crying baby who can’t be settled down, especially if the infant is their first child! One of the leading causes of a distressed baby is colic—at least, this is probably the condition blamed the most for cranky baby behavior! WHAT IS COLIC? By [..]

Is It Good to Do Push-Ups?

In general, exercise is good for everyone. In fact, exercise seems to benefit EVERY system of the body, AND it’s one of the BEST ways to relieve stress. So back to the question, should you include push-ups in your exercise program? The short answer is yes…and no! To best answer this question, we must FIRST [..]