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Archive for the 'Neck Pain' Category

Is It Really Neck Pain?

A 48-year-old male had left-sided neck pain with intermittent left arm tingling, numbness, and aching for 2.5 months. The pain was described as a deep nagging ache on the left side of the neck with a more intense pain in the left shoulder blade that occurred without any specific activity. Also, no particular position of [..]

Neck Pain – Non-Surgical Treatment Options

There are many treatment options for those suffering from neck pain. For example, with conventional medical care, the family doctor will usually prescribe a muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, and/or pain killer to help patients through episodes of acute neck pain. However, many patients with neck pain have been through the process of treatments associated with medications [..]

Neck Pain Exercise Options

Exercise for the neck is very important since weak muscles are related to many painful conditions of the neck and can contribute to fatigue, irritability, headache, sleep loss, and more. When done correctly (performed slowly, staying within "reasonable" pain boundaries), they can increase your range of motion, reduce stiffness/tightness, and strengthen your neck muscles.The exercises [..]

Neck Pain, Headache, and the Jaw Joint

Neck pain and headaches can be very disabling and can significantly alter a person’s normal pattern of living. Simple things like reading the newspaper, cooking, driving a car, and/or looking down when feeding a baby can become almost intolerable. Canceling plans for the day or saying "no" to vacations can be very disheartening and often [..]

Neck and Arm Pain – The Herniated Disk?

Patients who present with neck pain along with arm numbness, pain, and/or weakness often ask, "…what’s causing this pain down my arm?" The condition can result from a bulging or herniated disk pinching a nerve in the neck. The cause of this complaint can be either a traumatic or non-traumatic event. In fact, sometimes, the [..]

Bad Posture and Chronic Neck Pain

While most of us have a look in the mirror at least once a day, few of us look at our appearance from a different angle, such as from the side. But, the view from the side can be quite revealing if you suffer from chronic neck pain. First, note the position of your head [..]